Clinical Trials BC

About us


Clinical trials are essential for evaluating the safety, effectiveness and outcomes of life-saving and health promoting health interventions such as vaccines, drugs, devices and health services.


We support clinical trial investigators, sites and institutions to ensure British Columbia is a world-class destination for clinical trials. Focusing on infrastructure and capacity building with a collaborative approach, we enable clinical trial excellence across the province.


We work with our cross-organizational teams BC SUPPORT Unit and Research Ethics BC, along with partners and stakeholders, to support and advance health research that benefits the people of BC.

What we do


We provide:

Workforce innovation and training

  • Professional certification and mentoring
  • Training and development for BC’s clinical research community
  • Webinars and speaker series with local experts

Site support and clinical research navigation

  • Navigation of and guidance around BC’s provincial clinical trial network
  • Program development and implementation
  • Site education and training
  • Regulatory, compliance and quality consulting
  • Audit and inspection preparation

Leadership and collaboration in advancing clinical trials provincially, nationally and internationally

  • Representation of the province within the global regulatory environment
  • Participation in expert working groups on national clinical trials governance and policy initiatives
  • Leading of, and contributing to, strategic planning and infrastructure initiatives that benefit clinical trial sites and teams
  • Generation of data and knowledge to improve the patient/participant experience and make practice improvements

Province wide tools and resources

  • Online clinical research tools, resources and e-learning programs
  • Implementation support for quality management system (QMS) frameworks
  • Clinical trial management system (CTMS)
  • Database connecting patient volunteers and researchers (REACH BC)

I am a researcher and/or on a research team

We support researchers in developing expertise in clinical research processes, quality management and risk management. We also provide access to provincial tools and resources.

I am a sponsor/industry partner

BC’s population diversity and its efficient provincial clinical trials structure and network are among the many reasons to bring clinical trials to the province.


I am a patient partner/potential trial participant

We provide resources to help patients learn about clinical trials or being a trial participant in BC. Our team also engages patient partners to gather data to improve the patient experience.

Annual activities report


The annual report highlights our activities, programs and key achievements in contributing to the clinical research and clinical trial community provincially and nationally.

2021-2023 Clinical Trials BC Activities Report

Our Advisory Council

The Clinical Trials BC Advisory Council is a source of expert advice that supports the achievement of our strategic priorities. Our council members represent academia, the health system, health research-related organizations and patients.

Gavin Stuart

Chair, Clinical Trials BC Advisory Council | Professor, Faculty of Medicine, UBC

Julia Bickford

Research Director, Northern Health

Kate Keetch

Director, Department of Evaluation and Research Services, Fraser Health

Kendall Ho

Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, UBC